Add to Cart Add to Lightbox DownloadNew Zealand, South Island, Canterbury region, Mount Cook National Park: Hooker Lake and Glacier with icebergs and Mount Cook | Neuseeland, Suedinsel, Region Canterbury, Mount Cook National Park: Hooker Lake und Gletscher mit Eisbergen und dem Mount Cook
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- SB-NZ119.jpg
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Mount Cook Mount Cook National Park Aoraki Southern Alps Canterbury region Twizel New Zealand Hooker Lake Hooker Valley track glacier iceberg icebergs ice meltwater South Island mountain water mountains lake travel outdoor activity adventure adventurous holiday vacation tourism long haul winter sun NZ scene scenic view south Pacific landscape blue Maori Aotearoa summer kiwi sightseeing scenery viewpoint people tourists snow covered peak peaks trail long-haul Fernreisen Fernreise exotic exotisch Ferien Urlaub Tourismus travel-photography Reisefotografie Reise daylight Tageslicht Aussenaufnahme aussen draussen Neu-Seeland insular state Inselstaat South Pacific suedlicher Pazifik Neuseeland Commonwealth of Nations Suedinsel Landschaft horizontal landscape format Querformat See Eisschollen Eisberge Wasser capped snow covered schneebedeckt Berge Alps Alpen Neuseelaendisches Neuseelaendischer Neuseelaendische Schmelzwasser wideness Weite Personen Menschen holidaymakers vacationer Urlauber Touristen attractions tourist attraction Attraktionen touristische Attraktion Touristenattraktionen Touristenattraktion excursion Ausflugsziel Gletscher
- Contained in galleries
- New Zealand - Neuseeland